PowerSchool: How to enroll student in class in another school

Enroll Students in classes in another school

Sometimes, students are eligible to take a course at another school but will not be transferred to that school for all courses. Students may be enrolled in classes at other schools (including summer schools) in PowerSchool.

Enroll one student in a class at another school

1. Select your student 

2. Under Enrollment, choose Functions from the student pages menu. 

3. Click Enroll Student in Remote/Summer School Class

4. Select the school where the student will be taking classes 

5. Enter: the course name (when you start typing the course name, the list of courses will display for you) 

6. Select the section number you want the student to be enrolled in, current the Enrollment date, and click on the Submit button 

Enroll multiple students into class in another district school

  1. On the start page, make your students' selection 
  2. From the Menu at the bottom of the page, under the Scheduling Section, select Mass Remote/Summer School Enrollments

3. Select the school where the student will be taking classes, Enter the Course name, Select the Section, adjust the Enrollment Date if needed, and click on the Submit button